July 19, 2013
“RAWR!” Is Dinosaur For “I’m Gonna Fucking Eat You”
Weeks ago I told Xanga that I’d answer select dinosaur questions. Luckily, I get to pick and choose which ones to answer, because otherwise this would feel too much like homework. Here are my select replies:“How fast could the fastest of the dinosaurs run?” – @TheSutraDude
This is an extremely inexact science, but the general consensus is that a therapod (beast-footed) dinosaur such as Utahraptor or Gallimimus would be the fastest. We model them mainly by comparing them to ostriches, since the leg bone structure is remarkably similar. Depending on who you ask, Gallimimus would have clocked a top running speed good enough to let them run on most American highways, with some estimates up to 70mph.
“How did the dinosaurs become extinct?” – @twloha18
We have conclusive evidence that an asteroid struck the earth in Mexico, in a worldwide layer of Iridium (an element that is found primarily in extraterrestrial objects). Whether this led to giant weather changes (and what exactly those were) or if weather changes happened prior to the asteroid, and the impact was just the final straw.
“Explain the kangaroo thing again! ” -twloha18 again
Early models of bipedal dinosaur such as T-rex and parasaurolophus were depicted as having their tails dragging on the ground. We now know that they held their bodies much more horizontally, with the tail acting as a counterbalance to their head. The reason the initial images were wrong is that they were based on the extant animal most resembling the bipedal dinosaurs: the kangaroo.
“Why are there smaller creatures and fewer huge ones? Do you think humans could have survived to the point we have if we had more very large animals?” – @crazy2loveFirst, the largest animal we have evidence of EVER existing lives today: the blue whale. Second, larger land mammals were possible partially due to a much higher oxygen content in the atmosphere. Third, humans came to being fighting giant animals such as sabre-toothed cats (twice as large as a tiger), the terror bird (about three times the size of an ostrich and carnivorous) and the cave bear (four times the size of a grizzly).
Comments (6)
I feel a little smarter regarding dinosaurs now! (:
Yay! Dinosaur facts! o/
It would be weird seeing a T. rex in a pouch on the front of momma. “Not the momma!”
Thanks! Now it makes sense. The other day something passed me on I-95 with a personal license plate, “Gallimimus 1″. The plate also said “Mongolia. Ghenghis Khan’s Show Me State”. Interesting dinosaur facts. It’s pretty astounding that humans fought such beasts as you mentioned….4 times the size of a grizzly. I think I would have let it have my burger. Gary Larson was the best!
And that is damned fast for a creature of that size, as fast as a cheetah.
great facts to know. thanks for sharing.