Comments (48)

  • I love it!! Fuck you Mitt!

  • It is widely known that the LDS pronounce the M as a Shhhh sound.

  • Mitt Romney is a taker, not a leader. While most of us pay our taxes Mitt Romney has used every possible tax avoidance scheme in the book. It’s why unlike his own father he refuses to show his taxes to the American people. He finally released, not his actual 2011 tax return but an assessment of his 2011 tax return. He had a reason for not releasing his actual return. The over 200 pages regarding hiding money in the Cayman Islands for the purpose of tax evasion. He also made the decision not to take his full deduction on charitable funds in order to show he paid just over 14% in taxes. Although that is still less than most people pay on their income it’s what he stated several months ago that he paid. That deduction btw is amendable for 3 years and win or lose the election he is likely to amend it which will bring his percentage of taxes paid on income down. 

    So has paid more taxes in 2011 than required by the government and here’s the stinger. In 2007 during a debate Romney told John McCain if he paid more taxes than required by the government he would not be qualified to be President of the United States.

    Shakespeare said it best…What a tangled web we weave when we practice to deceive. 

    I agree with you Mitt. You are not qualified to be President of the United States. 

  • Mitt Romney is just a big joke, right? RIGHT?

  • Hi Mitt,
    I’m just an old bald guy. Even as a professional electrical engineering type, I don’t make a lot of money working for a small family owned business. I pay lots of taxes. Can you help me to become a member of your 47% Club. I know you Republicans don’t like taxes, so it’s a good thing that 47% don’t pay them.



    I’m all confused.

    Fuck you, Mitt.

  • This made me really emotional, for whatever reason.

  • Hi Mitt, I’m tired of supporting others with my taxes no matter what their deal is. I’d like to try a totally new system here in this country and I’d like for you and Obama to go fuck yourselves. 

  • Hi Mitt,

    I read the part where you got funds for Bain from rich exiled folks in Florida. They funded anti Castro groups and that included nuns and priests targeted by the death squads. Fuck you Rommey, I will incite Guatemala and Salvadreans to not vote for you.

  • OMG wow good work

  • Love this and F U Mitt.

  • You forgot the deductions made for spray tans and toupees.

    I’m not kidding you.

  • This is EPIC,I am going to show everyone I know this. 

    Too true ! I am to young to vote yet, but if I were, I’d NOT vote for Mitt Romney !!!!!!!!!!!

  • I have the mission of getting my congressman to agree with Mitt on this comment this morning on video.  If I do I have people to submit it to the national media.  

  • Dear Mitt,

    My 92 year old grandmother with Alzheimer’s in assisted living worked her entire life and paid taxes.  Now she relies on her Social Security, what’s left of her savings, the sale of all her assets including her home, to be able to afford the outrageous fees to pay for her medical care and housing.

    She is part of the 47%. 

    Go to hell, you fucking scumbag.

  • Mitt will be known as the Retroactive Candidate from now on.  His decision not to take his full deduction on charitable funds is his way of trying to rewrite history.  This same slimeball maneuver came up when Ed Gillespie explained that Romney ‘Retired Retroactively’ From Bain Capital.

  • It’s been really strange watching the Republican party over the last 50 years. When I was a kid, they consistently experienced success through low-income populism. The Republican Party was the every-man party. Then, the Civil Rights Act happened, and all the racist Democrats in the South jumped ship and became Republicans. Now, somehow, the Republicans have convinced their base that the Democrats are the elitists for representing low-income Americans. It’s mind boggling, but basically all racial at heart–the change in party rhetoric coincided perfectly with the Civil Rights Act catalyzed in the 60′s. It’s just more thinly veiled, racist class warfare. 

    There may be a lot of younger conservatives who do not find this rhetoric appealing because they are racists, but it’s undeniable that their party’s current platform was largely designed to produce racist results when implemented. 

  • His parents were on food stamps? Wow. More reason to dislike him

  • After this become public knowledge, Mitt has no chance to win.

  • @SlackerSociety - lolwhat? Please tell me you’re making that up.

    Please. I have to know that.

  • Dear Mitt,

    Shame on you for what you have said about the 47% Americans who don’t pay taxes. Did you even consider the poor who are really have no other means but to be on assistance when they don’t have a proper income and have to put food on the table. Shame on you. And I am glad that I am Canadian and don’t have to vote for a scum bag like you. 

  • Damn.

    I’d say, boy he really climbed into a shit hole with that statement, but there are still people who will vote for him. I’m sure some of whom will comment on this blog. :P

  • @emily_shannon - I said I wasn’t kidding.

  • Ahhh,gotta love the internet where you can get pics of random people and caption them saying stuff they never said and get people to believe it’s truth.Funny place the internet is,easy to spread truth,but also easy to spread lies.Both sides do it,so don’t think this comment is against democrats/liberals.Oh and Mitt,even tho I don’t care that much for how you do things,it’s WAY better than how Obama does them.

  • best blog I have ever seen on xanga. hands down

  • @Somefishytales - LOL!  Unless you’re making at least a 6 figure income, you’re a masochistic, gullible fool if you vote for Mittens.

  • Um, his statement is factually correct and I can prove it. Wake up, sweets. Do I need to show you graphs and numbers too? Oh, and Mitt donated all of his inheritance to charity; a far cry from the Moron-In-Chief:

    Yeah. He respects our country…….like a Pakistani.

  • @SlackerSociety - Uh, says here Freewood Post is a satirical site. Albeit, far different article, but the claim stands.

    If you can find a legitimate site for this, you might actually break my brain.

  • @In_Reason_I_Trust - Reckon it takes one to know one, luv. Go on and vote for more years of B.S.

  • @Somefishytales - The point is not that THESE particular people said THESE particular words, but the fact that infants, active military, the working poor, the disabled, retirees, etc people don’t pay taxes and Mitt tells them it’s their fault for not trying hard enough, when obviously that’s not true.

  • That could Not be worded better.  I so Agree!

  • George Romney may not have actually received food stamps. He was probably solvent by the time food stamps started in 1939. But he did get “relief”. It’s a good point.

  • Hard to believe his dad was my governor when I was a teen.  He was a pretty good governor too.

  • @dingus6 - George was hand-selected to take over American Motors by then president George Mason.  Before that, he was a jr executive.  I doubt he was on welfare unless it was during the great depression.  And it was called relief then.

  • @GodlessLiberal - Dude,everyone twists words around to make them say what they want just like you are doing and just like they did with Obama and his “You didn’t build it” crap.They took what he said and turned it into something he didn’t quite mean but it was still pretty stupid what he said,just like what Mitt said was pretty stupid but wasn’t what he meant in how you are portraying it here.Politics is what’s screwed up(I’m sorry,but I don’t care to use the F word),I think it’s very disrespectful to use it myself.@In_Reason_I_Trust - And you are triple the fool to believe Obama given another 4 years will make things better for people.

  • @Somefishytales - Romney saying he liked to fire people was twisting. Obama’s you didn’t build it was twisting. This however is the Mantra you hear day in and day out on Hannity, Limbaugh, Beck etc….this IS the heart of what the Republican Party stands for. Makers not Takers….etc. All that Ayn Rand Bullshit isn’t for show….they really and truly believe they are John fucking Galt. Ahhhhh……but you will only come back with Sam Basile!!! All you ever do.

  • @tendollar4ways - Dude,who IS Sam Basile? I guess I’m gonna have to google it.Geeez.You are so full of crap man.I can even talk common sense with you.

  • Very true!  Fuck him!  He’s an a$$hole.

  • @Somefishytales - How are things not better for having Obama in office? Nobody can actually believe that. By the time Bush’s policies went out of effect circa 2010, the stock market was at the lowest it had been in nearly 50 years, the American auto industry had exploded, numerous international banks were insolvent, the sub-prime mortgage crisis was in full effect, we were embroiled in the War in Iraq with no exit strategy, corporate profits were flat lining, the real value of a dollar was at the lowest it had been in decades, Clinton’s surplus was turned into the biggest national debt the country had ever had, unemployment was nearly 12% (see link below), etc. We are obviously better off now. Obviously. There is absolutely no evidence to the contrary. We went from having the most prosperous economy the country had ever had under Clinton to a national economy teetering on the verge of collapse. 

    Look, the truth is in the pudding. Obama’s policies have resuscitated the economy. The unemployment rate is now approximately 8%, the stock market is as healthy as it has ever been, corporate profits are at an all-time high, and the GM oscillates between being the 1st and 3rd most profitable automobile manufacturer in the world (depending on the quarter). Republicans can take virtually 0 credit for any of these improvements. They passed virtually no economic legislation that contributed to the recovery; all they did was obstruct the Democrats and grandstand for political gain, at the expense of America. This is reflected by the fact that most conservative Xangans I know can’t name a single piece of economic legislation that Republicans have passed or proposed in the last 4 years that they agree with. 

    The obvious reality is that the economic policies of Clinton and Obama were more successful at helping the majority of Americans than the economic policies of Bush I, Bush II, and Reagan. It’s as clear as day. 

  • Hi Mitt,

    I’m not American and I hate you. That’s says something.

    Fuck you, Mitt.

  • Now you’ve done it. I’m old and you made me laugh so hard that I think I hurt something, maybe split a gut or something.

  • @UTRow1 - You,whoever you are,are dilerious.You are free to believe that,how you see it is beyond any common sense I know of but hey,it’s why we are all individuals even tho we don’t all see things the same way.

  • Are you deleting comments, Godless? It’s awfully hard to follow the continuity in this string of discussion. Censorship isn’t becoming to a liberal.

  • @Somefishytales - The fact you find cold, hard facts “dilerious” (sic) is disturbing. The major difference between us is that I don’t ignore facts whenever it suits my worldview. My worldview is shaped by the facts. The facts is that Obama’s policies are directly responsible for reversing the recession caused primarily by conservative economic policies of the previous decade. Fact. If you “believe” otherwise, provide some evidence to support those beliefs.

    Also, ask anyone with a 401k whether they are better off now than they were 4 years ago. The average 401k is 30% higher now than it was in 2008. 

    Seriously, name one piece of economic legislation the Republicans have proposed in the last 4 years that you agree with. Don’t use Google. I bet you can’t name one. Note: promising to repeal Obamacare isn’t an actual legislative proposal. 

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