March 26, 2013

  • A Proclamation

    So I’ve been meaning to blog more. I read an entire pro-creationism book, meaning to blog it chapter by chapter. I’ve been following the debates on guns, deficit spending, and gay marriage (pardon the usage) religiously. I have my comments, my thoughts, my insights. And every time I muster up the enthusiasm to actually make a full-fledged entry about a subject, the weight of the avalanche of idiocy tumbles upon me. The last post I did on guns truly emphasizes this. [See post here] So yeah, I’m well aware of the barrage of asshatitude that awaits me with every post. And for years (I’ve been doing this, on Xanga or WordPress, under one name or another, since 2004) this hasn’t bothered me. Yet suddenly… I’m weary.

    I just don’t have the energy to deal with (and these are all real things people have told me, if not quoted verbatim, then as close as memory permits):
    “You hate guns? You’re un-American”
    “Obama’s a Nazi!”
    “Don’t like God? Move to Russia!”
    “If a man can marry a man, why can’t a man marry a turtle?”

    Fuck. Looking at the above subset and how can you not be overly-enraged or just overly overwhelmed? This is what I get for trying to actually share my views with the world. And when I felt like maybe, JUST MAYBE I’d venture into the waters again, I commented on a right-wing friend’s FB post about how climate change is a myth. I commented, and got the general “climategate” response. So responded with a list of bipartisan, multicountry responses saying climategate itself is complete BS. Not only did she respond by giving me a link to a site from a year before my rebuttal, but her friends called me various forms of idiot. This alone was enough to remind me: I hate other people.

    Between that and my sour history with some people here, I can’t find the motivation to actually give a rat’s ass about sharing my beliefs here, whether deeply-held or logically-found. No matter what, they will be shat upon by the narrow-minded, the hate-filled, the outright selfish or the straight-up assholes.

    This isn’t a goodbye, this is just… a proclamation. Politics irks me and Xanga friendships tend to hurt me, so what do I care about this for?

Comments (48)

  • I have always enjoyed your posts on xanga.  It is wise to not allow the few negative comments here and there to weigh too heavily on your heart.  People tend to overstate things on the Internet and are probably not intending you harm.

  • Because even with few listening, it is therapeutic to work out and unfurl ideas and feelings from their undeveloped kernels.

    (Also, earlier this week, I had a few messages with another Xangan. We both agreed that you are seriously missed.)

  • Debates have devolved from using supporting factual evidence to who can shout the loudest and interrupt the most. 

    It saddens me that it has gotten to this point too. I used to jump right into people’s arguments and debate the hell out of them. Now, I’m just so tired of it that I no longer have to energy to. 

  • @TheTheologiansCafe - Did you look at the comment section on my last post? It’s not a “few negative comments here and there”. Out of 114 comments, approximately half of those are insulting/infuriating/idiotic (and those aren’t entirely devoted to the people that disagree with me).

    @Celestial_Teapot - I used to think so, too. Now… well, not only do I no longer get therapy from it, now I have the added disincentive of the fact that I took time off of Xanga to let the friends of my ex to cool off and stop sending me hate mail. Then I came back. They hadn’t cooled off. At all. Maybe even boiled hotter. And the people sending me hate messages have done the same. It almost seems like everyone is trying to make up for Loborn’s absence.

  • I’ve been met with the same here, often. I once wrote a story about a man saving two girls from a life of child prostitution and was called a pervert for it. For whatever reason Xanga attracts more than its share of effed up people and people who don’t know the meaning of reason. My reason for posting many of the blogs I post and many of my comments is the same as depicted in the image. 

  • We at Table 54 think you should stop arguing and start simply teaching.  The butt dialers have a harder time faulting you for that.  If you’re just teaching and not arguing to change someone’s silly opinion, pretty soon these folks will just ignore you.  Pretty soon you’ll get to have your say without getting hit with too many cow pies in the face.  Good luck, friend, with whatever you choose to do.


  • @Table54 - It seems, my friend, that when I do such things that I’m accused of suppressing opposition, or of persecuting dissenters, or whatever other messed up logic one must take to say “why do you hate me for hating gays?” and not getting a response. And I have a compulsion to respond to every single awful troll in my life.

  • I like reading your stuff, man. I don’t really “do” politics, as such, because I know a charade when I see one, but I do occasionally dare to express an opinion I am not professionally qualified to have. Just because it’s fun. But I do like reading your stuff. Don’t sweat the noises the cabbages make!

  • I hate to hear that. I’ve always enjoyed your posts, even if I don’t comment on them all the time.
    As for the hate mail you’re getting, just delete that shit. Don’t even bother opening it. If they have nothing better to do than harass you over things that happened months ago and isn’t their business to begin with, they can’t have much to say that’s of any worth.

  • I like you a lot. I think your brain is pretty sexy. That is all. 

  • I rarely post my opinion on your blogs because while I find what you post to be enlightening at times, you can and do come off as arrogant at times.  Yes, it is obvious that you have a high intellect, however sometimes it’s not what you say but how you say it.  It’s all about the delivery.  For example look at how you replied to theologians.  In reference you state of the 114 posts that they are insulting/infuriating/idiotic.  While I will concur that a great many of them are the first two, adding in the term idiotic is perspective based and just shows your disdain for those who can not make a compelling argument based on what you define as somewhat intellectual.  Yes I do realize that it’s just reading something typed out on the Internet, and it is hard to infer any emotion based off of typed words, but eh… We will perceive what we perceive.  And since I am really late in response to the big old weapons debate.  I personally would go through whatever registration process.  However what I did not like was how Sen. Fenstein was implying that I should not be able to purchase an M4/Ar15 because Im a vet and I MIGHT have PTSD.  Which I do not have.  So lets just categorize all vets as crazy and not trustworthy unless we are deployed on the other side of the world.  As for needing a military type rifle.  It’s what I trained with.  Do I need it?  No.  Do I want it?  Yes.  However if any criminal were to break into my house with a shotgun and all I had was my sig, then I would feel that I as a citizen am put at a disadvantage against criminals.  But whatever.  Just had to get my two cents out on that.  Lastly to address you not posting due to what happened in the past between you and another xanga member, well… From the only side of the story I had read.  You were a dick, asshole, and a fucking douchebag.  HOWEVER, that should not stop you from posting, because you are intelligent and though I find myself turning more and more conservative you do offer interesting points on famous issues.  By you not posting, you are letting a bad period in your life, a time of unwise decisions, effect negatively the rest of your life.  You fucked up man.  But what matters now is that you learn from it.  Not just intellectually but on a more wholesome level and fucking move on.  The past helps shape you for who you are today but will not define you for tomorrow unless you let it.  And if Im just way off course, then please ignore my ramblings.  Have a good one.

  • @twosidedme - Dude, take a breath, try to find the “enter” or “return” key on your keyboard. Whatever point you make is lost in the maelstrom of your poor typing prowess. I don’t think you made a bad point. I just wish to help you further convey it by not posting in the fashion that most of us on this site will associate with word vomit or a spam bot.

  • @GodlessLiberal - I do apologize.  I use my Ipad and do not take the time to use the said “enter” or “return” button.  Besides its freaking 3 in the morning, I can’t sleep and I have a meeting with some generals, admirals, and CEO’s in 4 hours.  But fuck it.  If the message was delivered and you received it clearly then great.  Thanks for the advice, and I look forward to your next blog.

  • Shat, shat here.

    Shat, shat there.

    Shat, shat everywhere a shat shat…
    I feel you man.

  • There is so little civility in today’s society that I hardly expect to find much here at Xanga.  Nonetheless, I hear you. 

  • I’ve been where you are describing.  And I think I’m still there.

    I prefer dialogue to presentations.  Most people present their case – the same case that they were told by some church, or political party, or some guru.  Not their own story.  It is the same presentation that they have given dozens of time. They do not participate in Active Listening – listening nonjudgmentally and based on reflecting on what is said, and reflecting on what is to be said.  
    Dialogue is based on listening and building on what is said.  It is geared so that even if you don’t agree, you gain an understanding and appreciation for the person with the other view – not their church, party or guru.  When you walk away from the table where dialogue, you walk away with more than you came tot he table with.  When you walk away from the table with a presentation, you walk away with the same that you came to the table.  
    I long for real dialogue.  Instead, we preach to the choir and I, for one, am tired of being a part of the choir.  

  • Despite the fact we disagree a lot, I subbed to you because you are different from me. I think that challenges me to think and it enriches my life. Yes, maybe we blog so those like us know they ar enot alone; however, I blog and read blogs to challenge me in my own thoughts and beliefs. Even though ones major belief systems may not change, it doesn’t mean something might not change, some perspective may not be looked at, and most importantly… speaking and writing to those who are not like us help us hopefully to have a better heart towards those who do not think and operate like we do. I think a lot of religious and non-religious people both need to learn that fact.

  • I really like your posts though.  It is also nice to read a rational logical argument on things I usually support especially since I grew up always using fallacies because in an oral argument, unless people call you out on it, fallacies usually win the game.  So seeing someone discuss things without using them is always neat to me.  

  • Jesus tells us not to throw our pearls before swine, but he didn’t anticipate the fact that I’d get a slingshot for Christmas…

  • @vexations - Agreed. Furthermore, impatience seems to dominate everything these days.

  • I’ve always enjoyed reading your posts, and I’ve been reading (even if I did not comment) for a very long time. I’m sorry your ex’s friends aren’t more mature.

  • I knew halfway thru what you were going to say.  I recently blocked some ultra religious nut job…while she has a right to her opinion…I think she has a lot of issues, none of which are going to be solved by her God…and she is not smart enough to know she sounds like an idiot with all of her facts.  I totally understand.  What she says doesn’t piss me off because I disagree…what she says pisses me off because I hate stupidity!  Especially all the “fact” based stupidity and her literal facts from the bible!

  • How boring would it be if everyone agreed with each other though

  • I choose, chose to keep my xanga very private after i began to realize it was a chronicle of my life. Reminding me where i was and where i am today, tomorrow, etc. As far as friendships online go, they can only go so far. I would know. Hopefully you’ll find someone, or more people in real life that think like you do. Otherwise, i admire this post and approve of your message. 

  • This makes me chuckle and not because you are wrong. That is not it at all, you are right. maybe it has always been this way. But I don’t think so, I believe everyone is demonizing each other, isolating themselves from those who disagree with them more and more. In the end that can be dangerous

    I checked having a suspicion it would be true. It was true, someone here whose site I have never been too before, and I may never had tried to go there without seeing them on this entry saying something that made me wonder. They have me on their blocked list, as if I would really even notice or care.  I see a strong fear of contact with those who disagree. We isolate ourselves and demonize all who do not live in our own little ghetto. Its easy to bash people you do not know. Easy to hate the stranger and convince yourself that their is something evil about “those people”   

  • I think a lot of people enjoy reading your posts, even people like me who disagree with you most of the time. Hope you continue to blog here.

  • Sorry for you, but I have always loved the comments. They prove to me there are people with less intelligence than me in the world. Sometimes I forget I am actually a smart person.

  • I like some of your blog posts but others are way too volatile for me. I don’t do anger well, so usually I just avoid reading your blogs that are super ranty. :-/ Usually the comments are just a ramp-up of something already super-charged with frustration. Not a good mix. 

  • @Doubledb - I’m picking up what you’re putting down. And yes, the 7 (I’ve kept count) people who have told me I’ve changed their outlook on life are important. I love that. But doing my “outreach” has mostly ended up with my bitten fingers here. I love actual debate. I hate the inbred, three-toed stepchild of debate that Xanga offers.

  • @trunthepaige - Wow, strange world where I agree with pretty much everything you say! High five? *hand up*

  • @amygwen - If I needed that, I’d just un-mute the chat option when playing anything on Xbox Live.

  • @musterion99 - It’s not about blogging HERE. It’s about blogging at all.

  • If you think Kenneth`s story is impossible,, 1 weak-ago my cousins best friend earned $9948 working fourty hours a month from home and they’re neighbor’s step-sister`s neighbour done this for 6 months and got over $9948 in there spare time from there laptop. use the guidelines available at this link,

  • @GodlessLiberal - I guess I am not as popular as you, so I dont get the same feeling here.

  • I’m new here, and it’s refreshing to find like minded people.  Thank you.  I live in the bible belt, and there are very few open minded people here, so it’s nice to know you’re out there. 

  • The pic was very nice. Sort of made me smile. I can see where you are coming from and while we might not have the exact same views I do respect your opinions. I think you are a great person for doing what you want and saying what you want. Quitting would be giving the idiots exactly what they want. I’d say keep going, because sooner or later I do believe you will get rewarded.   Sorry if that was all mushy, just wanted you to know that you have support from people. Anyway Toodles dearie. 

  • If someone trolls you, I say just ignore them and move on. Sometimes you just have to let it go. Attention is what they want.

  • Let me get this straight – on the top of your profile page here, you invite others to Come tell me how wrong I am, or, alternately, how awesome I am!, and now you’re complaining that some people actually post here with exactly that purpose?

    And for your complaint about the “barrage of asshatitude” that ends up on your every posting here, hey, I’m not the one who dreamed up the title of “Fuck Your Second Amendment.” That was your idea, so my first comment on that thread stands as typed.

  • @mikewb1971 - Yes, that was the intent of my site when I started it back in 2007. I completely forgot that the things I said there were still a thing. And read past the comment you made and, no matter where your ideology may lay, things get completely messed in the head. It’s like an entire population of people that eat nothing but  cocktail party snacks without taking the toothpicks out first.

  • @GodlessLiberal – Commenting on controversial issues requires a thick skin and a twisted sense of humor if you do it on any sort of long-term basis.

  • Exactly how I’ve felt for a long time.

    The other day I posted a Jon Oliver meme related to guns. It said that now we all have to take off our shoes at the airport because of *one* failed shoe-bomb, yet there’s been dozens of shootings with many more dead, and there’s little (if any) new gun regulations being enforced. So, this guy comments “Yeah, like criminals will follow the law.”  I told him that disobeying laws is the very definition of a criminal, but from that it doesn’t follow that we won’t make any laws. Rapists are gonna rape, thieves are going to steal, so it follows that theft and rape should be legal, right, you fucktard?  On that note, why lock your car or house at all? A true criminal knows how to get past all that, so why bother? He replied that guns had saved his life on several occasions. Here’s the thing: NO ONE IS SAYING THAT YOU CAN’T HAVE GUNS, YOU FUCKING TWAT. All we’re saying is that we want to deter at least some questionable folks from easily getting guns by putting some extra steps and checks in place. THAT IS ALL.  No, it will not deter all wackos from getting guns, but it will deter some. And those we catch with illegal guns then are all the more fucked because of that. Exactly the same as with all other offenses. If you’re a decent human being NONE OF WHAT WE’RE ADVOCATING FOR WILL AFFECT YOU AT ALL.

    It’s amazing how these nutbags don’t even grasp a very simple concept, and just flat out go apeshit on you. Scary, and very disappointing.  That’s why I’m not really into debating anymore. I’ll post something, and if it’s not clear enough as it is, go fucking research it. Don’t bother me. I don’t wanna hear the whining and ignorant nutbaggery anymore. I’m sick of it.

  • @In_Reason_I_Trust – Here’s my thing: us “nutbags” and “fucktards” have been painted as sympathetic to terrorists, “drug lords,” the KKK and Aryan Airheads, inbred hillbillies, etc., etc., for decades when we don’t simply go along willingly with whatever you demand from us. And you truly do wonder why we don’t offer respect in return?


    There are quite a few people demanding exactly that from us – that we surrender liberty and property upon demand, “just because” so you can have your warm fuzzy that you “got something done” and “made a difference.” Lots of them don’t even bother to make the false promise of “we won’t take everything eventually.”

    So what kind of enforceable guarantee can I get from you that such new regulations will actually perform as advertised? What sort of penalty are you prepared to pay should they fail, as I maintain they will?


    What sort of penalty are you prepared to pay if this promise (?) turns out to be false? What recourse do I have?

    I don’t wanna hear the whining and ignorant nutbaggery anymore.

    Get used to it – those of us who support gun rights aren’t too thrilled with your brand of inanity, either.

  • @mikewb1971 - Didn’t read your comment. But it looks like you read mine. Ah, I feel good. 

  • The visual informs why you shouldn’t give up. Of small comfort, I suppose, is to be reminded of people throughout the ages who have been ridiculed and scorned for their beliefs, people such as Louis Pasteur and Galileo come readily to mind.

    Don’t give up.

  • if i’m not mistaken, the idea of xanga is a forum for people to channel their thoughts into words.  it doesn’t matter to whom those words are written for.  it’s a form of self expression.  if some agree with you, that’s great.  if some don’t, then that’s too bad.  it’s nothing to be seriously debated about.  don’t give up just because you feel frustrated that some a**holes disagree with you and start throwing out negative comments.  that’s life.  you can’t possible please everyone.  just keep expressing your views of the world the way you see fit and hope that others would agree to them along the way.

  • I just talked a prominent young Christian artists/writer and he basically said if the battle of Christianity and atheism were fought with words on the internet, atheism would win hands down. The whole point is God is a person and has to be engaged in Christiani community and one has to be active doing good in the world for it to really take.  This sucks for me as I don’t fit in churches (and I’ve decided to remain an agnostic unless I can find Christian community).

    He also said something like the Christians whose perspective you’d want to hear aren’t arguing on the internet because they’re out doing good.

  • Stick with us if you can I am going to miss you. good post.

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