Comments (55)

  • I think that you’re getting kinda boring. All you do is talk about how awful & judgmental religion is….to me that’s what you are. 

  • Strangely, all i can think about is whether the peanut butter the aforementioned cartoon character spread on his private parts is smooth or chunky. Because I think chunky might hurt.

  • @Kris0logy - My sentiments exactly. 

  • Bwhahahahaha! I LOVE the bullet points under “what happens when you do sexy things.”

  • @Kris0logy - That’s not true. I also talk about how awful and judgmental right-wing politics are.

    In all seriousness, I don’t think that pointing out that without organized religion human rights would be better off, whether it be Islamic terrorism or Christian anti-gay policies worming into out politics, makes me awful and judgmental. Well, I guess I am judgmental, as I’m passing judgment based on my own personal beliefs that gays are people, artists shouldn’t be killed by discussing Islam, the Catholic Church shouldn’t tell people in AIDS-ridden Africa not to use condoms, that female circumcision should not be practiced, and that we shouldn’t legislate religion in a country designed specifically not to endorse any particular religion.

    But please, what would you prefer I write about? Ponies? Justin Bieber? Whittling? If you think I’m boring, nobody is forcing you to come to my site. If you want to provide constructive criticism, like what you think I should do about this problem you seem to have with me, please be my guest. I’m all ears (err… eyes, since I’ll be reading this… you get what I’m saying).

    @mtngirlsouth - The above applies to you as well. From what I read of your blog, it tends to be exactly like mine, just the polar opposite views.

  • if the part about Nickelback is even kind of true… sorry gays, you’re getting stoned.  

  • Your blogs don’t just disagree or fight for freedoms, if it was any other ppl your blogs often sound like hate speech. You Preach tolerance but give none. 

  • Saw this one on facebook and thought it was awesome.

  • This was very good. I feel this way too, esp about the coping with the being a bag of meat on a giant rock thing.

    The Nickelback thing would turn me against the gays. uh oh

  • Oh, the Oatmeal. How I love thee. 

  • @Kris0logy - I’ve addressed that sentiment before: blog.

  • You sound more like you attack internet troll Christians that are probably really atheist instead of real life Christians.  Maybe you should meet one.

  • @howsaboutsomemilk - I hadn’t even considered that. Care to test it out? For science!

  • Generalizations, twisting of truth…  Like on stem cells: the Catholic Church is not against stem cell research — the media lies about this every chance they get.  Catholics are against fetal stem cell research, a branch which has not produced any cures but which results in the destruction of a baby.  Regular stem cell research has come up with cures, and doesn’t kill babies.  Catholics stick up for babies, how does that make us the bad guys?

  • @ZombieMom_Speaks - I really want to say “challenge accepted” but somehow I think my better sense might be prevailing. besides, I eat peanut butter a lot, so I think that if I conducted said experiment, I wouldn’t be able to eat it comfortably anymore….thus eliminating half of my diet….I guess I could just switch to Nutella.

  • @Kris0logy - Is judging really wrong if you’re not apart of an institution that expressly forbids it?

  • Okay, this was one was funny, and actually mocked almost everybody equally.  Except, of course, for atheists.  @Kris0logy - Personally, I thought this one was okay, but I too have fruitlessly tried to encourage encouraged him to expand his topics, and quit the mocking of others’ beliefs.  I’ve seen him do a COUPLE very thoughtful posts.

  • @Saridactyl - According to Jesus Himself, we are to “judge righteous judgement”. John 7:24

  • No doubt this post will convince many christians of the errors of their ways.
    Or failing that it will make atheists laugh.

  • @lonelywanderer2 - That’s because atheists are faultless. 

  • @Garistotle - No doubt.  That’s why I stopped calling myself an atheist.  It is too arrogant for me, a mere man, to claim I KNOW.  I have come to call myself a spiritual agnostic, and I seem to be getting more spiritual with time and thought.

  • @lonelywanderer2 - [Okay, this was one was funny, and actually mocked almost everybody equally.  Except, of course, for atheists.]
    I actually think the panel on Liberals was a shot at atheists, too.

  • @GodlessLiberal - I’ll give ya that.  Either way, I liked it!!!

  • You wouldn’t argue about how awful and judgmental right wing politics were if the liberal media didn’t blatantly lie to you AND have you convinced.
    Some of the cartoons are offensive because they are overblown generalizations, which if hadn’t been reading all the way to the end would have stated my arguments against them.  BUT, I thought the end was well stated although I will not keep my opinion about how God saved me to myself because I want all to experience the saving Grace I did.  If you had faith you wouldn’t be able to deny it and would want the same for others.  I can however, separate my faith from my religion and there is a human element in religion so atrocities will occur…in every religion. 

  • @howsaboutsomemilk - LOL!! Does Nutella come in chunky?

  • It’s really really really hard to argue with anyone on their religion, no matter what it is, including, and especially, atheists. I’ve always wondered what made them hold so tightly to their own personal perspective that they believe is unerringly correct. Ego, I suppose.  

  • i think you pretty much said it all.  the strip is awesome.

  • @lovelightwellness - [You wouldn't argue about how awful and
    judgmental right wing politics were if the liberal media didn't
    blatantly lie to you AND have you convinced.]
    And you wouldn’t believe there was a left-wing media (aside from maybe MSNBC) if you weren’t so busy listening to the right-wing media. Just being fair and balanced.

  • @GodlessLiberal - Fair and balanced did make me laugh, but I’ve witnessed plenty of left wing media to know better.  

  • @lovelightwellness - what do you consider “left wing media”? What do you consider “professional” or “fair” media?

  • @UTRow1 - Pretty much any major network news, many film companies (Avatar with it’s anti military sentiment for example) and a lot of newspapers I’ve read (Chicago Tribune).  All support liberal agendas by not accurately reporting very important newsworthy items, only reporting the stories that forward the liberal agenda and spinning the stories that don’t.  But the powers that be are much larger than any political party so it doesn’t really matter in the end.   

  • on Hardball with Chris Matthews tonight Chris Matthews mentioned in passing a politician who ran as a conservative in a southern State. i don’t recall the name or how long ago it was but it doesn’t matter. i thought the answer the politician gave was funny. he was asked if he believed in evolution and he answered, i can teach round earth or flat earth. 

  • @lovelightwellness - I personally think that all news organizations are in it for profit, nothing more. MSNBC plays to the Democrat crowd, CNN plays to the elderly and easily entertained my new gadgets. Fox is the only network I know that actually gets talking points from a political party.

  • @GodlessLiberal - I highly doubt that Fox is the only one, that just happened to be reported during a republican white house.  I’m not immune to “spin” from either party, but I do favor the right’s political beliefs.  In the end, it really doesn’t matter because the power isn’t held in politics, it’s held by the people who own the money.  That’s true for every country and sadly there are only a few powerful people who control all the world’s money. 

  • @GodlessLiberal - *thinks* In response to this:  ”But please, what would you prefer I write about? Ponies? Justin Bieber? Whittling? If you think I’m boring, nobody is forcing you to come to my site. If you want to provide constructive criticism, like what you think I should do about this problem you seem to have with me, please be my guest. I’m all ears (err… eyes, since I’ll be reading this… you get what I’m saying).”

    I would say it’d be cool to see a blog about what you see as the correct view about the universe, morality, justice, etc. Things that are covered by religions as topics. It seems that a lot of that gets buried in “I DISLIKE this.” Also, I am curious- do you think that it is possible for someone to have religious beliefs but ALSO believe that science is true and that learning is good and that homosexuality is ok, etc, etc, what have you? Because I kinda lean toward that route… :P As do many of my Christian friends in graduate school. 
    Also the cartoon is both insulting and hilarious. Points to The Oatmeal. I can’t decide whether I’m offended or amused. ^_^

  • @Ooglick - I’ll take some of your suggestions under consideration. I’ll try to spit one or two out before I’m out of the country on Friday.

  • @lovelightwellness - I was more interested in your answer to my second question. What do you consider objective, “good” media/journalism?

  • @UTRow1 - I’ll tell you when I find one.  To be honest, I’m really not that tuned in.  My husband is a news junkie and I kind of get “contact news”.  It’s on ALL the time in my home and when I walk into a room I’ll catch a story, won’t pay attention to what channel, but know enough to recognize who’s spinning.  I really don’t have time with four boys and a full time school schedule to keep abreast of current events per se.   Sorry to disappoint.

  • @GodlessLiberal - Woah, spiffy! Where’re you going? I haven’t gotten to do any world traveling yet. Too poor. haha. Maybe when I have a real job. But then I’ll need the vacation time to do it… hmmmm….

  • This whole thing is quite arrogant and full of straw man fallacies.  If this is an accurate reflection of what you really think then your arrogance goes far beyond anything I imagined possible. 

  • @GodlessLiberal - Like the USSR?  Or do you think that North Korea or Communist China are model states?  I’m guessing that when you say “no religion” you are of course referring to atheists.  I consider atheists to be religious because you have AT LEAST as much faith and dogmatism as we do.

  • @Ambrosius_Augustus_Rex - “I consider atheists to be religious because you have AT LEAST as much faith and dogmatism as we do.”

    Oh, please. Nobody can honestly believe that. There are militant, ignorant atheists, but don’t be silly and argue that atheists have as much faith or dogma as the religious. That’s a pretty nonsensical argument because a pillar of Western atheism is modern science and epiricism – atheists tend only to accept as true things that have evidentiary support. This automatically leads the vast majority of atheists away from faith-driven thinking, as faith is, by definition, believing in something without adequate evidentiary support. On the other hand, a pillar of Western Christianity is faith. And, in the case of conservative Christians in this country, their faith tends trumps science on many issues (e.g., global warming, evolution, the efficacy vaccines, etc.) This phenomenon isn’t present among atheists because atheists overwhelmingly don’t practice faith. Even the ignorant ones.  

    Furthermore, the atheists who  blindly/ignorantly accept modern scientific theories are not being “dogmatic” or “faithful”. By definition. Dogmatic means “characterized by or given to the expression of opinions very strongly or positively as if they were facts.” Modern scientific theories are facts (e.g., evolution occurs); so atheists cannot “dogmatically” accept them. Similarly, “faith” means “belief and trust in and loyalty to God,” or “firm belief in something for which there is no proof,” or “something that is believed especially with strong conviction;especially: a system of religious beliefs.” Again, the common element in these definitions is the lack of evidence, the belief in something without sufficient support in a patently religious fashion. Atheism simply doesn’t meet these definitions. Belief in something (religion) and knowing something with reasonable certainty (science) are very different things. 

    And when you apply the above theories to the rejection of God, you can see a similar outcome. The words don’t really apply to the rejection of a deity. They apply to an affirmative belief in something (in this case, God).

    This is all quite obvious when you look around you. For example, atheists don’t snake handle, faith heal, or speak in tongues to heal the sick because there is evidence none of those things work, even when done “properly.” Instead, atheists tend to take medicine and go to hospitals to cure illnesses, which demonstrably do tend to work when proper treatment is received. There are hundreds of examples of these types of faith-driven behaviors that are present in Christians or other religious groups, but pretty much entirely absent among atheists. This is because atheism is inherently not religious. 

    So no. It’s not true that atheists have “AT LEAST as much faith and dogmatism as we do.” There is absolutely no evidence for that claim, and the claim itself makes no sense given what the words “dogma” and “faith” mean. 

  • @Ooglick - Canada, so not really “world traveling.”

  • @Ambrosius_Augustus_Rex - Did you bother reading it through to the end? Also, do you deny that any of this actually happens at one point or another?

    [Like the USSR?  Or do you think that North
    Korea or Communist China are model states?  I'm guessing that when you
    say "no religion" you are of course referring to atheists.]

    I’ve actually already written about how I don’t approve of state atheism before.

  • @UTRow1 - If it were mine to give you, this response would have won you one internet, collectible immediately.

    In gamer speak: PWND.

  • @GodlessLiberal - CANADA IS PART OF THE WORLD! O_o lol. After all, if you die in Canada you die in real life!

  • @GodlessLiberal - Obviously I don’t deny that ANY of this happens (for example, Mormons really do go door to door), but most of what is there bears little or no resemblance to real life.  At best it’s a gross charicature, and no one says things like “Allow me to parrot what my parents told me as a child, thus perpetuating 2000 years worth of bizarre…” whatever.  Most everything here is mockery, and it’s so twisted as to be barely recognizable as to what it is intended to ridicule.  And yes, I did read down to the end “just keep it to your ******* self.”

    It’s your page, and you can post whatever you want.  I’m just wondering why you posted this and if this is how you really see things?  Also I wanted to ask you.  Do you think parents should raise their own kids or do you think the state should?  Of course if parents are raising their kids they are going to try to pass on their beliefs unless they are just lazy and negligent. 

    I read your other article, and I have to say it is pretty good and I actually agree with you.  That being said, it looks like you would opt for parents raising their own children yes?

  • @UTRow1 - OK, vaccines, global warming, and evolutionism.  I will deal with these one at a time.

    Rejection of vaccines is not “religious.”  There are plenty of good reasons to be wary about what is going on with vaccines.  There are plenty of Christians who go to the doctor for every stupid thing, and who get vaccines and drugs.  It is people who are leery of government who distrust what is being put in the vaccines, and for many good reasons.  I know people who have gotten severely sick from vaccines.

    Global warming is another political issue, not a religious one.  People who are leery of government are also leery of global warming, even atheists and evolutionists.  Obviously it’s just another excuse to tax and regulate, as the Earth goes through natural weather cycles and temperature changes.  Anyways why do you care?  Your evolutionism teaches you that the Earth was a tropical hothouse in the past, and my religion teaches something similar.

    As for evolutionism…  Yes, we disagree with that, but evolutionism is not true science, and it is not empirically based.  This is where I accuse you of faith.  You are dogmatically committed to NATURALISM.  Your atheism is an a priori assumption, and your “science” is adjusted accordingly.  You have never seen life come from non-life, nor have you seen a lizard turn into a bird, or a reptile turn into a mammal, or any kind of animal turn into another.  You can talk about natural selection all you want, but no amount of natural selection is going to put wings on a lizard.  You know the vast majority of the evolutionary narrative has never been observed.  The things you cite as contemporary samples of evolution all have to do with bacteria mutating so that a chemical bonding site on their exterior is missing, or exchanging genetic material with another bacteria.  If I were an evolutionist, or wanted to be one, I would be woefully depressed that, for example, no one has turned up an example of a bacteria mutating into a Eukaryote, or an asexual organism becoming gendered. 

    As for the faith healing, it’s true that some people have a lot of faith in God.  I tend to think that healings were for Bible times and that today most of the alleged healings are just showmanship.  However, what most of you atheists do is put a lot of faith in humans, a lot more faith than I am capable of having.  And you, being a liberal especially, put a lot of faith in government.  I don’t trust the government any more than I trust the televangelists with their faith healings. 

  • so awesome :D

    just turn the “give-a-fuck-o-meter” down by 75% and you can’t even hear the complaints.

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